How Smarter Data Analysis Helps You Address 5 Cannabis Industry Trends
How Smarter Data Analysis Helps You Address 5 Cannabis Industry Trends
The cannabis industry is big — and it’s only getting bigger. In the United States, as of June 2021, 18 states, two territories, and the District of Columbia have enacted legislation to regulate cannabis for nonmedical use. About twice those numbers allow for the medical use of cannabis products.
The industry is seeing some staggering numbers. During the lockdown portion of the pandemic in the United States, Americans reportedly spent $18 billion on cannabis. In an estimate from 2018, the United Nations says more than 190 million people globally smoked marijuana. What exactly is triggering this growth? And how can you take advantage of this growing industry to excel in your business? In this white paper we identify five trends in the cannabis industry and how data can help you leverage them.