Award-winning end-to-end Data Management, BI/Analytics and KPI Platform

Make data accessible to all users

Make organizational data analytics accessible and usable by analysts, business line users, and the C-suite. Everyone can get the governed information they need to make informed, data-driven decisions securely. Our platform gets important information to you and other key stakeholders quickly and in a format, you can use immediately. This gives you a more complete understanding of your data so you can make better decisions to increase profitability, and increase efficiencies.

Dimensional Insight’s platform architecture

Extract data from sources into raw data lakes

Clean, combine and transform the data

Load data to to apply business rules

Deliver data for self-service, assisted, and predictive analytics on various platforms

CannaBI Data Management functions and product features include:

Data ETL Phase 1

Extract multitude of data sources:

  • Transactional databases
  • Flat files
  • ODBC-compliant databases
  • Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  • Wide range of proprietary data formats such as ERP, EHR, and operational systems
  • Store raw data as cBases, or text

Data Dictionary

  • Centralized metadata repository housing all business rules descriptions and calculations

Collaboration & Governance

  • Collaboration with key stakeholders and subject matter to establish business rules
  • Append and automate business rules to for users to later generate KPIs
  • Quality and validation processing
  • Stores all business rules and calculations in one place for ongoing transparency

Data Prep ETL Phase 2

  • Clean data
  • Combine data
  • Transform data

Dimensional Insight’s developers toolset and delivery platforms

Columnar database:

  • Turns multiple rows of data into multiple columns for quick processing
  • Columnar database speeds up the time it takes to return a query.

Dimensional Insight’s Data Management benefits include:

  • A complete integrated view of all key sources
  • Built-in transformation pipeline
  • Intuitive analysis tools for validation
  • Automated and transparent business rules engine for faster workflow
  • A central repository for business rules, elevating questions of the sources of origination
  • Ability to edit business rules and documentation
  • Agile content development
  • Lower cost of ownership with an all in one platform solution including all tools for every type of user
  • A solution that works in conjunction with or without a data warehouse

Dimensional Insight’s long-established record in the wine and spirits industry made it a natural choice for facilitating operations across the brands we work with. Learning how to effectively use our data in our decision-making has been a game changer.

Jason Vegotsky

Co-founder & CEO, Petalfast


Dimensional Insight gives us a means to automate as much work as possible. We are able to get instantaneous answers to questions about financial cost, or benefit of procedures, or payers, or doctors, or anything else.

Rob Wilcox

Regional Vice President of Finance, Munson Medical Center

What would you like to explore next?

Dimensional Insight differentiators

Analytics →

Data Management →

Integration →


KPIs →


Specific product details


Deployment options →


Diver Gateway →


Diver Platform →


DivePort →


DiveTab →


Measure Factory →


NetDiver →


ProDiver →


Workbench →