Learn about the latest BI trends and see why Dimensional Insight earns a perfect recommend score from its customers

Download the 2023 Dresner Market Study

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The 2022 Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study takes a look at the state of business intelligence within organizations. It also contains feedback from BI users on the technologies they employ through detailed vendor rankings.

Dimensional Insight earned top scores in this year’s report and was considered an overall leader in both customer experience and vendor credibility, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. Download the complete report to learn more.


What’s inside:

  • Complimentary 200-page report
  • Wide range of topics including data leadership, organization budgets, data literacy, drivers of success, objectives and achievements, and BI penetration
  • Detailed rankings on 28 vendors
  • Vendors are scored using a trademark 33-criteria evaluation model
  • Customer Experience model plots vendors on “sales and service” vs. “product/technology”
  • Vendor Credibility model plots “value” versus “confidence”